Established in 2019, Purposely Talented Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that has emerged out of the increasing need for arts to be a part of all communities. Schools today have either significantly reduced the amount of arts education provided to their students or completely removed arts from the curriculum.
Purposely Talented wants to fill the lack of arts by being a community based enrichment company dedicated to providing a fun, positive and safe platform for all to
discover, develop and demonstrate their talent.
The founders and staff of Purposely Talented Foundation loyalty to the art of creativity and belief that all people have some form of talent translates to the mission of the company.
Purposely Talented mission is to provide the world with a safe, fun and educationally enriched platform to learn and use their talents.
LaTasha Stoudamire
LaTasha Stoudamire is dedicated to every aspect of the process needed to help develop a fun, safe, educational and positive environment for all people to share their talents with the world. In the community she mentors children, students and young adults through affiliations with charitable organizations. Also, she holds ownership interests in several businesses. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2011.
Throughout her career she has passionately worked to help save lives and improve the health of nutritionally at-risk women, infants and children. She has currently turned her attention to reinforcing the importance of encouraging all people to develop and use the talents they possess no matter their current economic status.
While she sees her personal "talent" as the ability to help motivate others to be their best she personally finds her current possession of CEO & President as fun and a bit of an endurance sport, she loves traveling and spending time with family and close friends.
Janien is a Las Vegas local who has performed in critically acclaimed shows such as Carmen, The Scintas, Poperazzi and many more! Check out her recently released songs on Itunes, Spotify and google music!Her song "The Will to Give" is an anthem for Purposely Talented!
Devonte played Wide Receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals in 2018.
"I attended UNLV for college and I am happy to see a program like Purposely Talented Foundation in the Las Vegas community. I look forward to supporting and seeing the impact Purposely Talented Foundation makes on the community.”
Executive Secretary
Director of Mentoring & Motivational Development
Director of Production Technology
Corporate Adviser\
Performing Arts & Community Engagement Adviser
Financial Adviser
Director of Travel & International Affairs
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